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Welcome Greetings

Greetings of our Artistic Director.

Vernal Music, always a leader on the scientific research demonstrating the essential role of music in human brain development and with great respect to Greek heritage and history, has implemented a series of innovative changes in music education.
Our approach with particular sensitivity to music science laid the foundations for meaningful activities, even the most modern scientific assumptions and evidence can't detect and understand at all.
With our innovative education we disseminate to our students the principles and values ​​of a different aesthetic of music science through the centuries until our time but also through the modern trends that may come or are in the spotlight today.
The exploration process is important, because the artistic activity of the new generation could be the beginning of a genereal reform and lead to the awakening of consciousness and commitment of top-level activities.
By giving our students the opportunity to express their personal will, we achieve modernization of our educational programs so the way of learning can be easy for everyone.
Vernal Music, with its dynamic presence as a company both in science and in music education since 2008, works actively in cultural and artistic life of Greece.
Our site is an information channel for our activities, character, values ​​and our vision. 
We recommend you to explore it as a reader, student or supporter, and be informed about the high level of our work.
Watch a concert of our orchestra, a public lecture on our scientific research or any other event. 
Entrance to our events is free for all.
Call us for an appointment to talk about our educational programs and help you select the best, based on your capabilities and ambitions.
Consider the possibility to support our actions as sponsors of our orchestra, of our research about Augmedimin Schematic Music, but also by buying our e-book and promoting.
With compliments
